Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Walking Dead's The Governor VS Peyton Manning

NFL Sunday Night Football VS The Walking Dead: Live Bait

Every Sunday night you can catch The Walking Dead on AMC or an NFL Game on at around  8:30 ET.
On any other Sunday, the ratings score is pretty even between Sunday night football and The Walking Dead.

Roughly 10+ million viewers on both ends of the isle, however tonight, 2 extremely popular teams are playing and one of the matchups has the undefeated  (9-0)Kansa City Chiefs playing the (8-1) Peyton Manning led Denver Broncos.
What The Walking Dead has going for itself is the cliffhanger on teasing us with a quick glimpse of The Governor....however is The Governor's reappearance in this weeks The Walking Dead enough?

Can The Walking Dead pull in more viewers tonight facing such a tough matchup... unfortunately my money is on the NFL Sunday night football folks.
You can DVR The Walking Dead and that's okay, but never ever ever should anyone have to  DVR a live sporting event.



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