Monday, November 18, 2013

Fifty Shades of Grey News... filled with Cocaine and ....Herpes?

Well there you have it, a story about Fifty Shades of Grey, cocaine....and herpes.

Not a film related story but a good one none the less,
According to an article from The Guardian

Library copies of the bestselling sadomasochistic romance were found to carry traces of herpes and cocaine

Library copies of Fifty Shades of Grey have reported positive for traces of herpes virus and cocaine, according to two Belgian professors.

A second novel, Tango – a romance by Pieter Aspe – also tested positive for herpes, after tests were run on the most popular books on the shelves of Antwerp library.

The study was carried out by researchers at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, who ran chemical tests on the 10 most-borrowed books at the library. All 10 tested positive for traces of cocaine.

Jan Tytgat, a professor of toxicology at the Catholic University of Leuven, told website the Flanders News that the traces both of herpes and of cocaine were too small to be harmful to future readers of the book.

"The levels found won't have a pharmacological effect. Your consciousness or behaviour won't change as a result of reading the tomes," Tytfat said.

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