Captain America: The Winter Soldier, will introduce new Marvel Universe villains including George St-Pierre as Batroc the Leaper, The Winter Soldier, and Crossbones, played by Frank Grillo.

"It's an origin film. You meet people who are going to be around for a while, so they introduce the characters. It's almost like it's a series. It's fun. I can't say very much about it because Marvel's very strict about what you're allowed to say. The movie, we've seen bits of it, and it is spectacular."
Asked if Marvel has plans for Grillo to return as Crossbones, he replied:
"They do actually. We'll see what happens. We'll see if the fans respond to Brock and how it goes."

Starring Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Redford, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Cobie Smulders, Frank Grillo, Georges St-Pierre,
Captain America: The Winter Soldier will be a continuation of The Avengers film as Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier hits the big screen April 4, 2014.
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