Friday, November 8, 2013

Review of: Thor The Dark World

The current blueprint of a Superhero film is pretty standard; a lot of CGI, great cast of actors, terrible script, thin story-lines, a lot of over the top special fx, embarrassing script/written dialogue, a lead attractive female character an evil overly smug villain...oh and the  title Superhero.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing because at the end of the day, the question remains; Were you entertained? If the answer is yes, then studio execs are happy.

Thor: The Dark World fits into this blueprint quite nicely. A crap load of CGI, an extremely clumsy script with often unnecessary cheap humor, an  average story-line, lots of special effects and a pretty good cast.
Is it satisfying? Yes
Is it entertaining? Yes
Will you remember the story in a few weeks? No ....but this doesn't matter.
Does it have a unique and original story? Big No

This is the type of movie that is a filler for entertainment. It is quite entertaining and fun, but lacks any originality and has a very forgettable story.
If you like Superhero films, your going to enjoy this one.
I will rate this in perspective of other Superhero films and give it a big 6/10

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see that there's still a little bit of juice left in this story, as well as these characters, who continue to get more and more interesting and worth watching as each and every movie goes by. Good review.
