Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Quentin Tarantino upcoming untitled...not so secret project

If you saw Quentin Tarantino on Jay Leno last night you may have caught a whiff of things to come from the charismatic director.

He announced to Jay...and millions of viewers that his next film project will be a western.
Anyone who follows Tarantino  knows that he is a huge spaghetti western fan and has always stated that Sergio Leone flicks inspired him to get into films.
He even has a spaghetti western online directory

During the interview Tarantino told Jay :
 "I can't talk that much about it, but I will say one thing," , "I haven't told anyone about this publicly, but I will say the genre. It's a western. It's not a Django sequel, but it's another Western. I had so much fun doing Django and I love westerns so much, that after I taught myself how to make one, it's like 'OK, now let me make another one now that I know what I'm doing.'"

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