Monday, December 2, 2013

Batman Vs Superman' Henry Cavill talks about Ben Affleck as Batman

Batman and how he believes that Affleck has to talent to take on the title superhero

"I'm sure he'll be fantastic, above all else, and as a filmmaker he's got his own style, you know, he's not copying anyone else. And he's also sort of been tenacious in his career. He's had ups followed by downs and now he's very up again and I think that requires and shows a very special strength of character, and it's something I enjoy working with because jobs like this require a strength of character. They require a dedication to the work and a belief in oneself and Ben has that, clearly."

Batman Vs Superman is to hit theaters  July 17, 2015, also starring in the film are; Amy Adams, Diane Lane and Laurence Fishburne.

Watch the interview here or here

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